White Water Rafting in Ganges- A refreshing and formidable Experience
The series of inevitable troubles and problems that arise at peak time in almost every trip I plan…this trip was not an exception…but ultimately…everything was sorted and we left. The trip was full of experiences, adventure, thrill, comedy,…tragedy,…action and not to miss…lot of romance ...LOL... go on reading.. I hope you will definitely plan a Rafting trip after reading our fun filled experience… J
It was starting of May and mid of Rafting season, while Delhi was burning in heat…I started planning for this trip… Lisha me and Yashita already had a plan to go for rafting earlier but now...when Anwar came to Delhi it gained pace…as he forced us to plan some trip… before he leaves for his Job at Mumbai.
2 times the list was prepared with only 5 names…permanent and rest 9 changing.. J
I have already booked the camp for 14 with Amit Mamgaim, he is one of our best buddies from Roadies audition and runs a Venture called… ‘Adventure Compass’ to arrange such fun filled adventurous trips…. Rohit booked the transport and all set to go..
On Friday when we were leaving late night, two more people canceled their trip…leaving us in trouble... to bear more expenses per head…and the worst part… the transport guy we booked was not picking the call …Rohit kept calling him the whole day but he never picked …
Rohit called me at 5 to inform this … and I was clueless…, helpless…. and restless…
we were left with no time to fix this… we tried calling every possible travel agency we knew… I couldn’t afford canceling this trip… as Camp was booked already… and one of my best friend was traveling from Agra to accompany us…it was shocking….but anyways such things could not affect my highly motivated and energized spirit and the most imp factor was…GANGA CALLING… hee hee hee…I mean I just felt it… ‘I have to go’….
we were left with no time to fix this… we tried calling every possible travel agency we knew… I couldn’t afford canceling this trip… as Camp was booked already… and one of my best friend was traveling from Agra to accompany us…it was shocking….but anyways such things could not affect my highly motivated and energized spirit and the most imp factor was…GANGA CALLING… hee hee hee…I mean I just felt it… ‘I have to go’….
The cab Picked us from sec- 37 at 1:20AM and all those who were interested in drinking n all were shifted to one cab and we 5… with Anwar …were in another…the estimated time to reach was 6:00 AM in the morning …but thanks to our….shaukeen Jantaa…we were stopping after almost every half an hour…for someone…to perform..Mutra Visarjan Prakriyaa ( loo in short)…and everyone was doing it with their own timing comfort… Sorry…but I can’t omit this part…hee hee hee …the other cab carried the romance stuff while our cab was carrying fun and action stuff …every time we stopped in some dhaba… we will click some grp pics some romantic pics and then… again ready for next…stop…hee hee hee
We reached the Camp at 12:00PM next day …after taking some wrong ways ….and delayed public gathering session.... we were starving… and only thing I could think about… was “breakfast”…with high hopes of having breakfast … we reached our destination Seahawk…It was a huge camps site with 50-60 camps…looking like a private beach….encircled by mountains….which enhanced its natural beauty… I must say it was an awesome location with rocks of different size scattered all over the bank…. It was an ultimate weekend destination.
A raft came to the bank… to carry us with our luggage to the other bank…where campsite was located… it was summer time… and water…specially in abundance…was appealing to everyone…Specially those who have covered such a long and hectic journey to reach… so we were highly excited…to see Ganga…. :)
As soon as we reached… me and Anwar asked for breakfast and we were told that its 12:00 so breakfast time is already over… we were poorly starving and had no option but to jump in Ganga…hee hee hee…..we changed and went to the bank…water was in good volume so…wearing life jacket was a necessity and it also provides flexibility to go as deep in water… as one wants….
we stepped in to Ganges…. and water was cooooold…like its originating from a Glacier….we did a lot of mental preparation before totally surrendering ourselves in it…and once in the water…we were like kings…we played…enjoyed….and every time someone from our group entered… we attacked with lot of water splash…. ;) for 3 hours we enjoyed our water sports and after that the degree of hunger reached its threshold and we walked to the dining area…lunch was about to be served …
we moved towards the bank…Yashita and her friend Aasha were found missing from group, Anwar who was much concerned about the two gals...saw them sitting on a rock far away talking to each other...since its our moral responsibility that no one in the group should feel neglected...we walked to them and clicked some photos too....while Anwar was keenly chit chatting with the gals...I walked towards the group to shoot some more photos....
All of finished our meal…and since we have already completed 30 hours without sleep…so some went to take rest…
Suddenly a powerful storm arrived……I was shooting pics…and noticed… the tent where Tanmay and Anwar were peacefully sleeping …was ungrounded and flew… and they were sitting in open… chaotically looking around…dumbfounded and confused…haa haa haa… I never missed an opportunity to capture the moment…..and create a video of this incident….our Lovely couple…Lisha and Rohit…unaffected by the power of nature….were busy in their romantic photo shoot …the dullness everyone was feeling after such a long and hectic journey turned in to excitement …due to storm… J.
Photoshoot was full on even after storm stopped…there were no signs of fatigue on anyone’s face and I shot a portfolio for the most romantic couple i.e. Lisha and Rohit…while Varun and Khushi were busy in themselves….the photo-shoot was immensely hot and professional….I even used some of the snaps in my poems at other blog…;) it was totally an amazing experience for Ankur who was new to all this however my younger bro Tanmay was hesitant being a teenager…even I was a lil bit concerned about him… but he had a good time with Anwar , Ankur and Amit...
After 2-3 hours.... we called Amit for Rock climbing.. and he told us that the instructors will come… the destination where this activity is done is 15 kms….we were eagerly waiting until at 5…someone arrived and we were asked to leave…Amit (one in our group) and Shami were very much tired so they decided to stay in camps and take rest,…. I never forced Shami because my mother had already instructed me not to pressurize anyone in excitement…
Rohit kept calling the drivers but their phone was busy, may be their phones were not charged… as no electricity is available in this isolated campsite….we went up to the cars and discovered....... one of the car… and none of the drivers were there…since we were running short of time.. we decided to take lift from some local transport… but to our immense dismay nothing turn up…so instead of waiting for a descent vehicle, we stopped a truck and 8 of us adjusted in the front… while me Lisha Rohit and Ankur, climbed the rear…it was so adventurously exciting for us... riding the back of a truck like true travelers…but as soon as it started running….we were struggling to stand and our hands were rubbing with ropes lined at the sides of truck in order to balance and stand….it was painful…discomforting…yet adventurous….vehicles following the truck… looked at us with surprise… some even clicked photos… some joked…we were 'center of attraction' for those who were following…hee hee hee hee hee he
Finally we reached, I was a lil disappointed to see the rock where rock climbing was to be done, it was not high….and another group was already engaged in the activity so our chance was yet to arrive… to utilize the time… some of us trekked the hill..above that site…and returned….we gave chance to those who were doing it for the first time and after they completed they carried an expression of achievement as if they have accomplished some highly adventurous mission…lol…we finished our turns…

and now…again we have to arrange some transport back to the site… our throats were dry and we were starving….finally one humble Sardar jee..stopped his car and 3 gals with Rohit left with him…then all of us decided to walk until we get any lift…we started walking in group…again we stopped one passing truck..and this time…the situation was worse…we climbed the rear and it was loaded with bricks and 3 CNG cylinders…we sat on them 2 on each…and when the ride started….ohhhh we were bouncing on those cylinders hurting our asses badly…and every time a speed breaker came... we will move our bodies 1 ft above cylinders but no use…it kept hurting us….I screamed…its hurting badly…haa haa haa haa and Anwar…asked me something after that..something narrating boy’s situation ha ha ha after that I was absolutely quite….when it stopped we took deep sigh…and unclimbed it…the others were waiting for us on the local tea point…we ordered…few more teas and Maggi plates…and then back to Camp…fully tired and exhausted….
Now our dudes….who were here to party...wanted some drinks and since I haven’t let them purchase on the way...as they were halting every moment… they were shouting and blaming me!!…Finding no chance of getting them here…we coordinated with Amit again…and finally he arranged few bottles which were delivered to us in reasonable commission…the camp was totally co friendly and so one lamp was arranged on each table for group to have evening snacks...interesting talks and debates started….and my battery was going low…and since I am not a drinker…I was losing interest slowly… I was too much tired…I took exit to my tent…while they enjoyed the conversation…
I got up early in the morning in order to click few sunrise shots…I took a cup of tea…and then found a very huge rock on the bank to sit and sip….it was quite away from our camps and the sun rays coming out from the surrounding hills were quite visible from here… I sat and enjoyed…Lisha & Rohit …were walking towards me with toothpaste and brush…lol…after we were done with morning tea and all...we started taking some abstract shots…Shami Amit and Ankur joined us….finally Anwar arrived.. I shot his portfolio....and after having our breakfast we gathered for river Rafting... our main motto….
We were going to Raft for a stretch of 26kms continuously starting from the Camp Sea hawk…last time I did rafting for 17 kms so this time I was extending my endeavor…. most of the people in group were doing it for the first time.... so were in a different state of mind…very delighted and excited yet somewhat scared and uncertain, they kept asking …is it dangerous? Will I be able to do it? What other activities are arranged?? I answered same questions many times…now since we were 12 we were to be divided in two rafts…we first decided to divide 6 each… now since none of the singles wanted to be with the romantic couples group and feel out of place…we asked Shami and Amit to be with the other couples group...as both of them were busy in themselves and were least interacting with the group... but they refused.... I m really sorry I m revealing all the hidden secrets ... me and Anwar decided in consent with others that the couples will be in one raft and the rest in another…dividing the group in to 8 and 4 ….we informed them about this… and Khushi was very much agitated at this decision of separating them with the group however after much discussion and disagreements they finally agreed….

Instructors narrated all the points to be considered while rafting and then the rafts were loaded with people…strongest 2 were asked to lead as forward …me and Anwar took the forward seat in our raft and this was not the first time for us…Anwar pointed that the other boat has the strongest people leading …Lisha and Khushi on the forward position… haa haa haahaa …
we started rafting and in no time were leading…after covering certain distance our leader asked us to stop for other rafts…while we were waiting for them...we discovered a small waterfall like stream flowing in Ganga….all of us rushed to that and we enjoyed natural spa at stream…
I wanted one particular photo to be clicked that time…emerging out of the water half drown …me and Rohit requested everyone but no one was ready to take out the camera from the safety bag for the fear of falling in water…next raft arrived and they also jumped in that stream…and now finally my plead was heard and Amit’s camera was taken out...and my most desired shot was clicked….however I was not very satisfied with the results…but it happens with me most of the time when I m not the Photographer…lol….
Instructors called us back to the raft and again we started ….the first rapid came and we enjoyed the raft…balancing itself with the flow…while splashing water…everyone was carrying a very contended expression….Ankur…was talking non-stop…he was so much happy with the trip that his excitement was overflowing and sometimes due to excitement he may even stop his paddle subconsciously and instructor will shout “NO3 row properly”….hee hee hee and everyone will start pulling his leg and taunting him…to which he will cheerfully respond and argue …I was not able to shout due to my throat and everyone was taking advantage L…my fun triples when I involve..,discuss…and Sing…but what an irony every time I go for a trip…I will lose my voice initially in the journey singing loudly and then rest of the trip I suffer and listen to others…the worst thing I have to do L….
Now it was time for second rapid…a 3rd degree rapid and a very turbulent one…
Before entering all of us…shouted “Ganga Maiyaa ki JAY”, it was more turbulent and thrilling then what we expected…I was thrown from my seat to the other side and lost my balance…the intensity of the wave was tremendous on my side…while others were clueless and thrilled ….for a moment we lost balance and a state of panic prevailed….this one was…really powerful…our heart beat increased and nerves raised….it really was a distinguished adventurous moment J…
We kept rowing on commands of instructor on many rapids of different degrees...many times our instructor asked us to jump in to Ganga…and we all jumped until he called us back... continuously…water was very cold and volume was high…we were floating with our life jackets…only Shami was not able to jump… she was afraid…Instructor noticed it and pushed her in to the water….hee hee hee ..she looked helpless and panicked while we made fun…out of it…we swam far from the Raft until we recognized that a rapid with high waves was near…and then everyone started swimming upstream…the attempt though was next to impossible with the speedy flow of Ganga…we shouted to bring the Raft near us…all were in a state of panic…when it finally arrived rapid was about to come…
2 people were required to Load Anwar…and once he is in the raft he will load everyone …haa haa hahaa we were exhausted and yet ready…sun was shining bright and burning us…but no one cared as the thrill was worth it….!!
We reached a point from where Cliff jumping was to be done….and after losing so many calories during rafting and rowing exercise.. all were badly starving…we jumped to the rocks on the site…with many small water streams flowing…but all we were worried about... was 'food'… we saw many Maggi stalls…and rushed to the place ..the area was crowded and every tourist was looking hungry …so the maggi business was full on…we realized that none of us was carrying money… and it made the situation poor… we were near food.. but couldn't have it…somehow Amit managed to make a deal with the hawker…our instructor who was a regular visitor... assured the seller that he will pay money for the maggi…on his next trip while we will pay him…once we reach our cars…everyone was glad again and I don’t know how many Maggi plates we ate… we were so hungry that we never counted…
J after satisfying our appetite we moved to the cliff jumping area….Anwar was first… then me.... followed by Ankur.. others were standing at a lower cliff then the highest one...mentally preparing themselves to jump…lol
Rohit had Ankur’s Handicam and was making video of everyone from our group...when jumping the cliff…Anwar…jumped first then I jumped…without even waiting for the Count 1..2…3… and then Ankur Jumped…it was his first experience and he was really excited so he overcame his fear and jumped…I don’t know about others…who else jumped…but Shami and Amit were still busy eating Maggis and they were never interested in Cliff jumping…but I would suggest …anyone who is going for rafting…please gather some courage and enjoy every activity…once done not only you will feel a great achievement but also …you will overcome your fear…
The best part was …my sister had been to this trip just one week back and she was terrified by Cliff jumping however she did attempted it again after doing once…so my brother Tanmay was very much confident he told me “Agar Prachi ker sakti hai to mein to ker hi loongaa” (slightly overconfident) haa haa haa …Tanmay went to the cliff point and when he looked down …even trying many times..he was not able to mentally prepare himself to jump…he returned….we 3 again went for next round of jump...while many people were preparing to jump…we jumped again and saw…our couples…struggling and deciding to jump or not…or weather to jump from lower cliff or the highest one…lol I enjoyed …took a glance and again we went for our third round of jumping…most of the crowd noticed three of us jumping again and again…while…some admired...some looked with scary sights...and some were neutral…
Meanwhile Tanmay Tried many times but was unsuccessful I returned to the Maggi point again where Amit and Shami were sitting…since our instructor called that we have to reach in time…he has another party waiting for him…to pick….while I was returning someone told me that Tanmay Finally jumped…haa haa haa when he came…with an expression of triumph …I asked…how did he finally managed to jump??.. To which… he replied…There was a couple and Uncle was forcing Aunty to jump…saying “see this lil boy can jump then why don’t you try” so he had no option but to jump to keep his self respect hee hee hee hee
We returned to our rafts…and rowing was a pain…we had no power left and instructor was commanding... to which we became…ignorant...finally we reached the destination…unloaded the Raft…and Sat on bank for sometime…while we were burning with heat...we decided to stay in Ganga...near bank...the other raft arrived and then we left...we found one hotel took a room just to change..and after having lunch left for Delhi...
The trip was memorable and a diverse group of different people made it even more interesting :)...so what are you waiting for?? ...”GANGA Calling”
Delhi to Rishikesh can be done by booking a taxi depending on the number of people,I would suggest leave at night so that, day traffic can be avoided and this will also save time.
Weekend Package Includes:
- Rafting for a stretch of 10/17/26 kms depending on your choice
- Breakfast and Lunch
- Rock climbing and Rappelling
- Waterfall Trek (if time allows)
- Bonnfire(depending on season)
- Water surfing
- Camping
Rates may vary depending on the group and chosen package…larger the group lesser you pay ;)
Here is the link which can help you plan your trip: http://www.adventurecompass.in/
And for easy reference just call Amit Mamgaim@09899297904